SHED Helps People
by empowering them to bring positive changes into their lives.
How We Began
In May 2000, Stop Abusive Family Environment (SAFE) began the development of 40 townhouses with a community center which contains a computer lab, child care, laundry facilities, kitchen, office and meeting area. The development of this project was accelerated because of the devastating floods in July 2001 and May 2002. The project was enhanced because SAFE took the lead to form a construction company to build 16 of the 40 units and the 2000 square foot community center with local labor which gave jobs to 10 people for two years plus they learned the expertise of building townhouses.
The units were completed utilizing CHDO/HOME funds from HUD through WVHDF, Section 515 and Community Facility funds from USDA-RD and Affordable Housing Program (AHP) from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh. The project was completed in October 2002 and totally rented with Section 8 and Section 515 subsidy in February 2003.
During completion of the homeownership and rental projects, SAFE saw the need to form another non-profit called SAFE Housing and Economic Development, Inc (SHED) which was incorporated in November 2002. SHED took ownership and management of the Elizabeth Drewry Apartments located at Eckman, West Virginia in May 2003. The apartments are named for the frst African American woman in the West Virginia Legislature. The fifteen apartments were built with funding from USDA-Rural Development to serve the elderly and disabled with Section 515 subsidy. This development has been completely rehabilitated and contains laundry facilities and a meeting room.

How Can We Help You?
Do you need help with housing or does your current home need a new septic system? Contact us today!