Contact info

69 Wyoming Street, Welch, WV 24801 +304-436-6367 Office Hours: 8AM - 5PM Monday-Friday

Septic Loan Program

We help individuals that have an existing septic that no longer works properly, and that are in need of a loan to repair it.

It is the goal of West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WV DEP) to prohibit septic systems from polluting our rivers, creeks, and streams. 

The loans we help provide have a term of 10 years. The available interest rate is at a 2% fixed rate.

We help fund up to $10,000.00 unless more is approved and provided by WV DEP.  This program is NOT income restricted.

We charge an origination charge (Loan Fee) of $350.00 and $60.00 for each applicant’s credit report.  This amount may be added to the loan if you do not wish to pay up front.

Information needed to apply for the program includes:

  • An Application
  • Copy of Driver’s License
  • Social Security Cards
  • Income Sources
  • SNAP Details
  • Child Support Information
  • Land Deed
  • Current Year Tax Ticket
  • Contractor’s Estimate
  • Service letter from local water company stating that a septic system will NOT be provided within the next 5 years.

Applicants must visit the county health department and obtain a permit to begin the septic installation. There is a fee payable to the health department by the applicant to obtain the permit.  

Applicants may obtain a contractor of their choice; however, the contractor must provide documentation to us before work can begin.  A contractor may also be obtained through us.

A perk test must be completed on the applicant’s land before contractors may begin work.